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Passengers fly into Minangkabau International Airport in Padang, West Sumatera (airport code: PDG) and should arrive on the first day of their scheduled charter dates (for example, if your trip is April 11-24, you should arrive in Padang on the 11th) and we recommend overnight stays be done in Singapore, KL, Bali, Jakarta etc and arrive in Padang on the first day of your charter.

A Visa is required on arrival into Indonesia (temporary travel visa) – there is no longer a cost for this Visa.

NOTE – To exit arrival area you must show your ‘luggage slips’ for your luggage.

You may use the porter service with the normal “tip” is around Rp 20,000 or you can collect your luggage yourself and go outside where you will be met by Pelagic ground agent who will take you and your baggage to the transfer vehicle and will transfer you, your luggage and your group either directly to the Pelagic, or a meeting place, if you are waiting for others to arrive on later flights.

Once you are met by the Pelagic crew please relax and let them take care of all your needs.

Check in time to Pelagic is 2pm and check out time is 10am with the Pelagic scheduled to leave Padang late afternoon on your arrival date.

You will travel overnight and arrive for the ‘early session’ the next morning at a chosen break.

Mentawai Government Tax

The Mentawai Government has introduced a Tax for surfing in Mentawai Islands as of 1st August 2016 and applies to all surfers both on land or boat – 1.000.000 IDR per 15 days (approx.$100).

This Tax must be paid before you surf at the first break – it can be paid directly in the Mentawais however this would restrict your travel route and take up valuable time therefore the Charter Boat Association has set up an office in Padang for the payment of this Tax for all charter boat guests for an additional administration fee of 150.000 (approx. $15)

Pelagic ground crew will collect the 1.150.000 (approx. $115) from you upon landing in Padang, process the paperwork and supply you with “Tickets and wrist bands” required.

NOTE – these fees are passed directly to Mentawai Government and AKSSB Boat Association and Pelagic Surf Charters holds no responsibility.

A copy of the document is below (translated by others) for your information –


The boat will return in the early morning of the last day of the charter and guests should plan to fly out that day – for example: if your charter dates are April 11-24 :

  • Arrive in Padang on the 11th.
  • The boat will depart in the afternoon or early evening on the 11th, when all passengers have arrived.
  • The boat will return to Padang harbor either the night of the 23rd or early morning on the 24th.
  • After breakfast (on the 24th), you will be transferred to Padang airport to catch your departing flight.

Ground transportation will be provided from the Pelagic back to Padang airport.

NOTE – Exit Tax upon departure from Indonesia is no longer required.

DRUGS – the use of illegal drugs whilst travelling on the Pelagic is prohibited and will result in the immediate terminate of your charter.

Police are actively searching surf charter boats for drugs and if found will confiscate the Pelagic and jail all onboard. We therefore have a zero tolerance and will offload all guests at the nearest port should drugs be found onboard.

What to Bring

In addition to all the usual items (surf gear and personal items), there are a few important things to remember:

  • Passport (must be valid for at least 6 months beyond intended departure from Indonesia)
  • Copy of passport – which will be needed during the trip
  • Airline ticket.
  • Copy of Airline ticket.
  • CREDIT CARD for any emergency payments required
  • US cash for arrival and departure tax (new bills)
  • Indonesian Rupiah for porters, departure tax and souvenir purchases from local villagers
  • Travel insurance documents
  • Any medication you may need or that your doctor recommends for traveling to Indonesia
  • A small personal first-aid kit to help make and keep small cuts clean

Travel Insurance

PLEASE ensure each surfer has the best cover possible on your trip – if something should happen to one guest it would affect all on board.

Pelagic is not responsible for any costs involving a medical emergency.

Follow this link for details – Surf Travel Insurance or contact Sue directly and mention Pelagic Surf Charters.

Sue Northcott –  Manager
Surf Travel Insurance
Phone: 07 5508 2658

USA : (800) 523-8020
Fax: (800) 303-6015 Offers: A variety of trip and travel insurance coverage options

Medical Contacts in Singapore

Raffles Hospital, Singapore (SOS Recommended)
585 North Bridge
65-6311 2121

Singapore General Hospital
65 62 243 655

Mt. Elizabeth Hospital, Singapore Orchard Row
65 67 372 666

Plastic Surgeon, Singapore
Dr. Martin Huang
MD Specialist Office
Paragon Building
Orchard Row
65 6238 2970

Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist, Singapore
Dr. Ravi Seshadri
MD Specialist Office
Paragon Building
Orchard Row
65 6238 2970

Consulate Office

US Consulate
Jakarta: +62 21 3435 9000
Singapore: +65 64 769 100

Australian Consulate
Jakarta: +62 21 25505 55555
Singapore: +65 68 364 100


Jl. Raya Tuapejat KM. 9 Sipora Utara Telp. (0759) 320656 Fax. (0759) 320615 Kode Pos 25392
Website : / E-mail :
Nomor: 572/03/Disbudparpora-KKM/2016
Diberitahukan kepada seluruh Pelaku Wisata Selancar dan Wisatawan Selancar yang beraktifitas di
wilayah Kabupaten Kepulauan Mentawai:
(Advisory notice to all surfing tour operators and surfing tourists visiting the Mentawai Islands)
1. Peraturan Daerah Kabupaten Kepulauan Mentawai Nomor 1 Tahun 2015 tentang Kepariwisataan;
(Mentawai Islands Regional Regulation No. 1 Year 2015 on Tourism)
2. Peraturan Daerah Kabupaten Kepulauan Mentawai Nomor 2 Tahun 2015 tentang Pengelolaan dan
Pemanfaatan Daya Tarik Wisata Selancar;
(Mentawai Islands Regional Regulation No. 2 Year 2015 on the Management and Utilization of
Surfing Tourism Attractions)
3. Peraturan Daerah Kabupaten Kepulauan Mentawai Nomor 8 Tahun 2015 tentang Retribusi Tempat
Rekreasi dan Olahraga;
(Mentawai Islands Regional Regulation No. 8 Year 2015 Regarding Levy On Use of Recreational and
Sporting Locations)
4. Peraturan Bupati Nomor 64 Tahun 2015 tentang Tata Cara Pendaftaran Usaha Pariwisata;
(Mentawai Islands Regent Regulation No. 64 Year 2015 Regarding Registration Procedures for
Tourism Business )
5. Peraturan Bupati Nomor 13 Tahun 2016 tentang Petunjuk Pelaksanaan Peraturan Daerah
Kabupaten Kepulauan Mentawai Nomor 2 Tahun 2015 tentang Pengelolaan dan Pemanfaatan Daya
Tarik Wisata Selancar;
(Mentawai Regent Regulation No. 13 Year 2016 Regarding Implementation Guidelines Of Mentawai
Islands District Regulation No. 2 Year 2015 on the Management and Utilization of Surfing Tourism
6. Peraturan Bupati Nomor 14 Tahun 2016 tentang Petunjuk Pelasanaan Pemungutan Retribusi
Pemanfaatan Daya Tarik Wisata Selancar.
(Mentawai Regent Regulation No. 14 Year 2016 Regarding Implementation Guidelines for Collection
of Levies From Utilization of Surfing Tourism Attractions).
7. Surat Keputusan Bupati Kepulauan Mentawai Nomor 168 Tahun 2016 tentang Jumlah Peselancar
Yang Dapat Bermain Pada Wilayah Kawasan Selancar Yang Memiliki Daya Dukung Terbatas.
(Regarding the Mentawai Islands Regency Decree No. 168 Year 2016 specially about the Amount of
Surfers That Shall Be Surfing Within a Limited Resources Zone)
Semua wisatawan surfing dari tamu resort/surfcamp, homestay/hotel/penginapan/boatcharter yang
ingin bermain selancar di Mentawai, harus terlebih dahulu membayar retribusi kepada Pemerintah
Daerah Mentawai:
(Any surfing tourists staying at a resort, surf camp, homestay, hotel, inn or boat charter who intend to
take part in surfing whilst visiting the Mentawai Island must pay the levy in advance to the Mentawai
Regional Government)
– Surfer Mancanegara: Rp. 1,000,000 untuk masa lama tinggal 15 hari;
(Foreign Surfer: 1,000,000 IDR per 15 days stay)
– Surfer Nusantara (kecuali Surfer Local/Mentawai): Rp. 100,000 untuk masa lama tinggal 15 hari
(Domestic Surfer (Excludes Mentawai Resident Surfers): 100,000 IDR per 15 days stay)
1. Office of Tourism Information Centre (TIC) Padang
Jln. Azizi No. 121 Andalas Padang
Contact Person of Staff: +62 822 8310 0970
(An. Ibu Cindy)
2. Office of Culture, Tourism, Youth and Sport
Jln. Raya Tuapejat Km. 9 North Sipora Mentawai
Contact Person of Staff: +62 821 6971 8357
(An. Ibu Atik)
1. Pemberdayaan kelompok sadar wisata;
(Empowering community awereness of tourism)
2. Pendidikan bahasa inggris untuk anak-anak di perkampungan wisata;
(English language education for childrren in the tourism township)
3. Sosialisasi peduli lingkungan untuk anak-anak sekolah;
(Socialization of caring for the environment for school children)
4. Pengelolaan sampah;
(Waste management)
5. Operasional Tenaga Tourism Information Centre (TIC) dan Pos Pengawas;
(Human resources management for Tourism Information Centre (TIC) and Pos Supervisor)
6. Biaya operasional Tim Pengawas Wisata Bahari.
(The operational costs of the marine tourism supervisory team).
1. Mempertimbangkan hal-hal terkait keamanan dan kemudahan, penyetoran Retribusi Tempat
Rekreasi dan Olahraga (Retribusi Pemanfaatan Daya Tarik Wisata Selancar) disarankan membayar
langsung ke Rekening Kas Daerah, atas nama Pemerintah Daerah Mentawai pada Bank Nagari
Cabang Mentawai No: 2110.0101.00011-8 dengan kemudian menyampaikan bukti setoran kepada
Pegawai Pemungutan Retribusi pada Kantor TIC di Padang bagi yang menyetorkan retribusi di
Padang, dan Kantor Dinas Kebudayaan Pariwisata Pemuda dan Olahraga Kabupaten Kepulauan
Mentawai bagi yang menyetorkan retribusi di Mentawai;
(In cosideration of matter relating to security and to provide convenience, payment of the levy for
use of recreation and sporting location (Retribution for utilization of surfing tourism attraction) are
to be paid directly to the Regional Government Treasury Bank Account representing the Mentawai
Regional Government:
Bank : Nagari
Branch : Tuapejat Mentawai
AccountNo : 2110.0101.00011-8
After making payment, submission of proof of payment must be made to the levy collection officer
at the Tourism Information Centre (TIC) office in Padang (for those making payment in Padang),
and at the Mentawai Island office of Tourism, Culture Youth and Sport for those depositing the
levy in Mentawai)

2. Karcis dan Gelang yang sudah dibeli harus dibawa oleh surfer di lokasi manapun bermain, dan
pada kedatangan pertama dilokasi surfing, harus melaporkan diri terlebih dahulu kepada Petugas
“Mentawai Surfer Tourism Officer”yang ada dilokasi, untuk diberikan stempel yang menandakan
dimulainya memanfaatkan wisata selancar;
(Tickets and wrist bands that have been purchased must be taken by surfer to any location they
intend to surf, and on arrival to the first surfing location, each surfer must firstly report to the
“Mentawai Surfing Tourism Office” at each location, to be given a stamp that marks the
commencement of utilizing the surfing recreational area)
3. Pembayaran Retribusi dapat dilakukan oleh surfer itu sendiri/wisatawan, agent perjalanan wisata,
biro perjalanan wisata, tenaga pemandu wisata, penyedia akomodasi wisata, ataupun asosiasi
(Payment of the levy can be made either by a traveling surfer, by a travel agent, travel bureau, tour
guide personal, providers of tourist accomodation, or tourism associations)
4. Karcis dan Gelang yang sudah dibeli tidak dapat dikembalikan lagi atau tidak dapat diuangkan;
(Tickets and wrist bands that have been purchased cannot be returned and cannot be sold)
5. Selama bermain selancar diwajibkan memakai Gelang sebagai tanda sudah membayar Retribusi;
(Whilst surfing, surfer are required to wear the wirst band to signify levies have been paid)
6. Perhitungan lama tinggal 15 hari adalah dimulai dari kedatangan pertama surfer di lokasi surfing,
dibuktikan dengan stempel di karcis oleh Petugas “ Mentawai Surfing Tourism Officer” yang ada di
(Calculation of permitted lenght of stay is 15 days starting from the time of arrival in the first
surfing location, with evidence of trip duration shown by the stamp made on the ticket by
“Mentawai Surfing Tourism Officer”)
7. Masa tinggal berselancar yang kurang dari 15 (lima belas) hari, harus tetap membayar Retribusi
dalam jumlah nominal yang sama;
(If time spent surfing is less than 15 (fifteen) days, each surfing visitor must still pay the full levy of
of the same nominal amount)
8. Perpanjangan masa tinggal berlancar yang kurang dari 15 (lima belas) hari, tetap dihitung masa
kunjungan 15 (lima belas) hari dengan membayar lagi Retribusi dalam jumlah nominal yang sama;
(Extension of stay to surf for less 15 (fifteen) days,is still counted as 15 (fifteen) days, by paying an
additional levy of the same nominal amount)
1. Dalam rangka memberikan pelayanan kepada surfer yang berselancar di surfing spot, Pemerintah
Kabupaten kepulauan Mentawai melalui Dinas Kebudayaan Pariwisata Pemuda dan Olahraga
menempatkan Petugas Tourism Information Centre (TIC) dan Mentawai Surfing Tourism Officer di
(In order to provide services to visiting surfer, the Mentawai Islands Regional Mentawai
Government through the Departement of Culture, Tourism, Youth and Sport provides Tourism
Information Centre (TIC) with assigned Mentawai Surfing Tourism Officers at each of the following
Tourism Information Centre (TIC):
– Tourism Information Centre – Padang;
– Tourism Information Centre -Tuapejat;
– Tourism Information Centre – Maileppet;
– Tourism Information Centre – Peipei;
– Tourism Information Centre – Katiet.
Pos Pengawas Pantai (Mentawai Surfing Service Office):
– Supervisory Pos at Jati Beach;
– Supervisory Pos at Mapadegat Beach;
– Supervisory Pos at Maileppet Beach;
– Supervisory Pos at Nyangnyang Beach;
– Supervisory Pos at Karamajat Beach;
– Supervisory Pos at Katiet Beach;
– Supervisory Pos at Silabu, Pasongan Bay.
2. Bagi peselancar yang tidak membayar retribusi, petugas Pos Pengawas Pantai berhak melarang
peselancar bermain di ombak selancar.
(For surfer who have not paid the valid levy for use of Recreational and Sporting Location
(Utilization of Surfing Tourism Attraction), the Mentawai Surfing Tourism Officers are authorized to
forbid surfers from going surfing)
1. Setiap orang atau badan yang menyelenggarakan usaha pariwisata di daerah wajib memiliki Tanda
Daftar Usaha Pariwisata;
(Any person or entity that carries out tourism business in the region must have a tourism business
registration license)
2. Setiap kapal wisata selancar wajib terdaftar pada Dinas Kebudayaan Pariwisata Pemuda dan
Olahraga Kabupaten Kepulauan Mentawai;
(All surf charter boats must be registered with the Mentawai Islands Departement of Tourism
Culture Youth and Sport)
3. Setiap kapal wisata selancar wajib tambat labuh pada mooring buoy yang telah disediakan Dinas
Kebudayaan Pariwisata Pemuda dan Olahraga Kabupaten Kepulauan Mentawai.
(All surf charter boats must use mooring buoys provided by the Mentawai Islands Departement of
Tourism Culture Youth and sport)
4. Kapal wisata selancar yang akan memanfaatkan ombak selancar macaronis di Teluk Pasongan
harus mendaftar terlebih dahulu kepada Dinas Kebudayaan Pariwisata Pemuda dan Olahraga
Kabupaten Kepulauan Mentawai melalui email:
(Surf charter boats intending to visit macaronis wave located at Pasongan Bay in the Mentawai
Islands must make a reservation prior to visiting with Mentawai Islands Departement of Tourism
Culture Youth and Sport using the following email:
Informasi lebih lanjut tentang tata cara pemungutan dan lain-lain, dapat menghubungi Kepala Bidang
Pariwisata: +62 813 6315 8892 and website:
(Full further information regarding procedures for collection of levy or other detail, please contact
directly Head of Tourism Division: +62 813 6315 8892 and website:
Demikian disampaikan, atas perhatian dan kerja samanya diucapkan terima kasih.
(As conveyed, we thank you for your attention and cooperation)
Tuapejat, 01 Agustus 2016